Autism Resources

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing developmental disorder in the United States.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), between 1-2% of the world’s population have been identified as having autism.

The resource and support needs of those on the spectrum are complex and require holistic community engagement.

Darvin Furniture Sensory Space

The Darvin Furniture Sensory Space is for use by small groups limited to the current Fire Code occupancy requirements. The purpose of this room is to provide a place away from the possibly noisy environment of the rest of the Youth Services Department. Use of this room should be consistent with the objective of the library, which is to provide for all ages, a suitable environment for learning. Please check the Sensory Space Page for more details.

Recommended Websites

Autism Treatment Network: The Autism Treatment Network (ATN) was established in 2005 as the nation’s first network of hospitals and physicians aiming to bridge gaps in knowledge and understanding and to improve treatment for individuals with autism.

Autism BrainNet: A collaboration between Autism Speaks, the Simons Foundation and the Autism Science Foundation. Learn about donor registration and help advance scientific understanding and evidence-based treatment of autism.

Interactive Autism Network: The Interactive Autism Network (IAN) is an innovative online project bringing together tens of thousands of people nationwide affected by autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and hundreds of researchers in a search for answers. Individuals with an ASD and their families can share information in a secure setting to become part of the largest online autism research effort in the United States.

Digital Resources for Students with Autism: The digital age brings good news for teachers and parents dealing with students with autism. Today, there are more technologies than ever before to help students with speech, interaction, participation, and communication, making for more integrated classrooms and innovative therapies that help these students learn.

How to Calm a Child with Autism: Techniques for avoiding and managing meltdowns

Create a Sensory Safe Yard for Children with Special Needs: How to Create a Safe, Sensory-Friendly Backyard Landscape for Your Child With Special Needs.

Treating Sensory Processing Issues: Specialized gyms help over-sensitive (or under-sensitive) kids.

Classroom Accommodations for Kids with Sensory Issues: Working with Schools, from Raising a Sensory Smart Child

Students with Autism: Online Resources & Support: Whether just starting kindergarten or making their way to college, students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face a number of unique challenges. If you, a friend, or a loved one has ASD, use this guide to find academic resources, social support, and expert tips for school success.

eReference , Magazines, and Newsletters

  • Consumer Health Complete-EBSCO Host: This comprehensive health database includes evidence supported reports, encyclopedia articles, fact sheets, pamphlets, news and magazine access, drug and herb information, with alternative medicine practices.
  • Mayo Clinic Health Letter: This monthly newsletter of reliable health information for a healthier life, is published by the Mayo Foundation for Medical and Educational Research.
  • Libby: Digital collection of popular magazines including healthy lifestyle sources for download to a personal device from OPPL website. Users must be an OPPL cardholder to use Libby.