Artist of the Month

Each month a different artist’s work is featured on the second floor of the library. A “Meet the Artist” for the month of March is on Friday, March 7 at 7 p.m.

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March & April: Creative Aging Showcase

This special community-wide group exhibit shines a spotlight on original artwork from the hearts, hands, and studios of adults aged 62 and older. We are pleased to provide this opportunity for older adults to connect with the community and share their creativity and vision of the world.

Artwork shown here is a sampling of the participating artists’ work. Visit the second floor of the library between March 7 and April 24 to view the entire exhibit.

Note: When you click on any of the images, a slideshow will open that will allow you to enjoy all images in a larger size. Click on the right or left arrows to view images. Click on the “x” at the top-left corner of the slideshow to go back to main page.

All artwork (c)2025 by the respective artists.

Upcoming Artists:

May: Mark Ballogg

Previous Artists

Beata Nowak
James Bowden
Elizabeth Andrews
Jean Lewis

Interested in displaying?

Contact the Outreach Services Department at
(708) 428-5110
to inquire about the art wall or our display cases.