Getting a Library Card
Children age 14 and older living with a parent or legal guardian may use the parent’s or legal guardian’s proof of residence until they obtain qualifying proof of residency in their own names.
Library cards will be issued to children age 13 and under residing in the incorporated boundaries of the Village of Orland Park with the signature of the parent or legal guardian.
Residents must provide a valid driver’s license or state ID with their Orland Park current address. If the driver’s license or state ID does not have the Orland Park address, two documents (from the list below) showing their Village of Orland Park address must be shown:
- Current car registration
- Natural gas, water, or electric bill received in the last three (3) months
- Current lease agreement
- Property deed
- Most recent property tax bill
- Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express billing statement received in the last three (3) months
Application forms must be completed and signed in person and verified by a library staff member. Library cards are valid for five years from the date of issuance.
- Check out the library’s Circulation Policy (PDF)
Non-residents have the option of choosing a 6 month, 9 month or 1 year library card. Fees will be calculated as described above applying a 50%, 75%, or full cost payment accordingly.
Non-residents are eligible to apply and pay for a non-resident card if they reside within one of Orland Park’s school districts. See Illinois’s non-resident library card code.
Check the library’s Circulation Policy (PDF) for more information.
Orland Park Public Library books and materials are loaned to holders of valid library cards.
Note: Effective January 24, 2022, Interlibrary Loan items will be limited to 5 items checked out at one time and 5 hold requests. If a patron orders an Interlibrary Loan from out of state, and it is not picked up once it becomes available, that patron will be charged a $5.00 service fee.
Material |
Lucky Day |
Loan Period/
Max Item Limit |
Audiobook CD, MP3, and Spoken CD | 3 weeks/No Fines | 30 | |
Blu-Ray/DVD | 2 weeks/No Fines | 30 | |
Book | 1 week/$1 | 3 weeks/No Fines | 99 |
Book Bundle | 3 weeks/No Fines | 30 | |
Equipment | 1 week/$1 | 1 | |
HotSpot | 1 week/$1 | 1 | |
Hoopla eBooks | 3 weeks/No Fines | 10 (Per Month) | |
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) | 3 weeks/10¢ | 5 | |
Kit (Readalongs, Science & Penpal) | 3 weeks/No Fines | 30 | |
LaunchPads | 3 weeks/No Fines | 5 | |
Library of Things | 2 weeks/$1 per day | 3 | |
Magazine | 2 weeks/No Fines | 30 | |
Music CD | 2 weeks/No Fines | 30 | |
NES/SNES | 1 week/$1 | 1 | |
Overdrive eBooks | 2 weeks/No Fines | 5 | |
Playaway Audiobook | 3 weeks/No Fines | 30 | |
Playaway View | 3 weeks/No Fines | 5 | |
Playstation Classic Console | 1 week/$1 | 1 | |
Puppet/Toy/Puzzle | 3 weeks/No Fines | 30 | |
VCR/DVD Recorder | 1 week/$1 | 1 | |
Video Game | 1 week/No Fines | 3 |
- Who can use interlibrary loan services?
Interlibrary loan service is available to Orland Park Public Library cardholders in good standing. Reciprocal borrowers should contact their home library for interlibrary loan requests. - What can be borrowed via interlibrary loan?
Patrons can request print books and physical audiovisual materials. Video games, ebooks, and other digital media cannot be borrowed via interlibrary loan. With the exception of multiple copies for book discussions, only items not owned by the Orland Park Public Library will be requested via interlibrary loan. - Is there a charge for interlibrary loan?
There is no charge for items borrowed from Illinois libraries. Interlibrary loan staff will always request to borrow from Illinois libraries first. If an item cannot be found in Illinois, items can be borrowed from out-of-state libraries for a $5.00 mailing fee. - How long does it take to receive interlibrary loan materials?
Interlibrary loan materials typically take 7-10 business days to arrive. - How long can I borrow an interlibrary loan item?
The loan period for interlibrary loan items is determined by the owning library. Items should be returned on time and in good condition. The Orland Park Public Library will strictly observe any lending conditions specified by the owning library (shorter lending period, in-house use, no renewals). - Can I renew interlibrary loan items?
Renewals are granted by the owning library and are not guaranteed. - Are there fines for overdue interlibrary loan items?
Yes, interlibrary loans are subject to overdue fines. - What happens if an interlibrary loan item is lost or damaged?
Lost or damaged materials will be charged a replacement fee determined by the owning library. This fee may include the cost of the item and processing. No refunds will be given once a lost or damaged item is paid for.When materials are lost or are returned late, the borrowing privileges of both the patron and the Orland Park Public Library are jeopardized. Patrons who consistently abuse interlibrary loan borrowing privileges will find their interlibrary loan borrowing privileges suspended. - Lending Guidelines for Other Libraries
Orland Park Public Library will lend materials in the following formats: print books, audio
books and CDs, and DVD/Blu-rays. The library will accept requests digitally, by phone, or mail.
All photocopy requests must be in writing indicating copyright compliance. The Orland Park Public Library reserves the right to refuse to lend materials or to ask a borrowing library to restrict use of materials loaned. - See our Interlibrary Loan Policy for more details.